kayte hawke

gentle cat dad, local queer cryptid

they/he || 20+ || very here, very queerpisces sun/aquarius moon/gemini rising | earth tiger | infp-t | 4w5 | jedi | decepticon | automemory doll | dungeon master | space cowboy | chaotic neutral ranger | voidwalker warlock | ssc aesthetician | rogue of light | earthbender | worshipper of dianxia | 72° and infinite | blood for the blood god | occasional fic authorhello! my name is kayte and i'm glad you're here.


⤷ pythia.
⤷ lesbian. cisgender. she/her.
⤷ 21 years old.
miraluka human. blind. red hair. freckles.
⤷ 5'8/173cm. thin. lanky. fast.
⤷ esfp-a. 7w8. aquarius. chaotic neutral.
⤷ survivable. clever. snarky.
⤷ mistrustful. stubborn. angry.
⤷ uncontrolled force abilities, both in pre/postcognition and psychometry.
⤷ faceclaim: erin kellyman.

(wip, may be subject to editing/change)pythia is a miraluka, daughter of two luka sene, who went into hiding when the empire rose in order to protect her, with her father disappearing in an event she'd rather not remember entirely and her and her mother going to ground on a mining colony called desolation. pythia spends her time taking care of orphans with her mom, bothering the local sheriff crix (who is a mandalorian), pestering the droid, tin, who takes care of their water collectors, and conning the rich folks from the orbiting resort ship who come down to slum it with a blind-fortune-teller routine. she wears a covering over her eyes at all times, and has everyone convinced that she's just a blind human.(her mother and father are both highly skilled force users, having developed their abilities on their homeworld and beyond. her father was presumably killed when inquisitors found their family in hiding when pythia was just cresting twelve; now, her mother hides them both, sticking to the fringes of society and choosing to survive, doing what she can for the world around her. her priority is her daughter, even if they may not always get along... like now, in the narrative present.)pythia is stubborn to a fault, now 21 and more interested in con artistry and scrapping parts. the mining colony is getting smaller by the day, as are the food shipments. most stay barely afloat just by going out into the wastes and scavenging parts from down ships, old wreckage. pythia, for her part, always manages to keep a steady supply of sweets to bribe the kids with that she watches with her mom.pythia denies any and all weirdness, whenever it happens. there's no such thing as the force--and if there is, all it's brought her is death and pain. she wants nothing to do with it. (even if, sometimes, her fortunes come true. but that's bullshit, and she'll deny it every time.)pythia's force abilities usually manifest (against her will) as both precognition and psychometry; sometimes, if an echo is strong enough, she can read those memories upon touching an object. others, she'll blank, dipping too deep into the well of the force and pluck at the threads of fate. she's more of a fortune teller than she realizes (or even really wants).her mother, terestia, is a sene seeker--a highly trained member of the luka sene that specialized in bringing wayward miraluka back into the fold from the dark side. she knows, in her heart, that her husband is alive, and wants more than anything to bring him back--but she won't lose her daughter to her own search, and knows that he wouldn't want that, either. so she keeps them both safe, and hopes that her love is strong enough to live until she can dedicate herself to finding him again.her father, ludovico, is alive--and has become an inquisitor. and right now, he would love nothing more than to bring his wife and daughter into the fold.


⤷ arrow derniom.
⤷ pansexual. nonbinary. they/them.
⤷ 21 years old.
⤷ human.
⤷ 5'11/180cm. thin. lanky. fast.
⤷ isfp-t. 7w6. virgo. chaotic neutral.
⤷ survivable. clever. snarky.
⤷ lazy. sarcastic. unmotivated.
⤷ minor pyrokinesis, though larger flames must be lit and fueled by an outside source.
⤷ faceclaim: wip.

[ may be subject to change. ]arrow is an orphan from the streets of gotham—a deeply familiar story to anyone who knows the place. for all intents and purposes, all arrow knows growing up is that mommy and daddy decided they didn't want a kid, offloaded him at one of the wayne-sponsored orphanages that crop up like a bad rash all over the city, and from there became an adult that a psychologist might call 'a failure to thrive'.after reaching the age of majority, they gave life a chance, tried to turn it all around: they got into GCC's art program with their wood-burning art, got a half-decent work-study program job, a relatively decent apartment in town. life was looking up.maybe it would be easier, then, if there was some cataclysmic event that drained it all away, all the life and verve they tried to have. some long-lost family member, or some violent kidnapping, or some flavor-of-the-week supervillain—but it was none of that. it was just the grindstone of existence, a series of bad relationships, a steadily declining grade in college, and a rising cost of living. rent got harder to make; school got less appealing by the day.eventually, arrow had to find a way to make ends meet. they tried selling art, but that was largely unsuccessful--they were an art major, not in marketing. their grades slipped low enough that scholarships wouldn't cover it anymore. they got desperate, starting asking around; eventually, they got a job offer, strictly under the table, paid in cash: help guard a little bit of cargo moving around, get paid the same night.it certainly paid more than sitting on their ass, at least.now, arrow lives near crime alley. works at a 7/11 a block away part-time, graveyard. covers the rest of their rent with weekend security work. spends the days either asleep or stoned or, in the off-chance they might have access to something flammable, setting things on fire and watching the patterns grow.oh, yeah. and they can control fire. the bad part? they're not immune to it. imagine figuring that one out. yeah, sure, they can manipulate a flame once it's lit, but if it doesn't have anything to burn--poof! and it's more than happy to leave them with a few burn marks in return. certainly not enough power to try and run around in spandex with.regardless, they've got rent to pay. gotham doesn't run on dreams.


⤷ liliana morrigan vrethei-thrush.
⤷ demisexual. cisgender. she/her.
⤷ age determined by thread. dm before interacting.
⤷ zeltron-yinchorri hybrid.
⤷ 5'8/173cm. thin. dextrous. fast.
⤷ intp-a. 5w6. virgo. true neutral.
⤷ survivable. severe. loyal.
⤷ stubborn. cruel. secretive.
⤷ force-sensitive. affinity for cold.
⤷ faceclaim: wip.

[ will be subject to future updates. ]born to selune vrethei and agus thrush while both of them were experiments-on-the-run, she was raised in secrecy by her father, gus, and another researcher, reagan shepherd. possessing all the best and worst parts of her fathers, she is discovering her place in the world and her complicated network of family, one painful step at a time.